This course addresses sustainability challenges in relation to digital and IT strategies, tactics, and operations. It focuses on providing you with an understanding of what sustainability means and how it can deliver value. This module also provides you with an understanding of the practical steps required to develop and implement a sustainability strategy, as well as the practical skills necessary to enable an organization to deliver value by introducing sustainability practices.
This course is ideal for anyone looking to understand the role IT and digitally enabled services have in relation to the environment, while exploring opportunities to positively impact it.
After completing this course, you should:
• Understand how to use the ITIL guiding principles to deliver value by creating sustainable digitally enabled products and services
• Know how to address VUCA challenges through sustainable strategies, procurement, products, and practices
• Have a practical grounding in the key principles of sustainability
• Be able to conduct a full cost benefit analysis identifying potential risks and opportunities using best practice guidance
• What is sustainability?
• The effect of sustainability on organizations
• How organizations can respond to the challenges of sustainability
• Addressing sustainability in an organization’s vision
• Introduction to materiality assessment
• Benefits of sustainability
• Sources of organizational sustainability risks
• Key organization-level stakeholder groups and their expectations
• Key types and sources of sustainability standards and regulations
• The role of services and the service economy in sustainability
• Recommendations for sustainability return on investment (ROI)/value on investment (VOI)
• Digital technology and sustainability
• How digital technology impacts sustainability
• How sustainable business models are supported by digital/IT
• The role of sustainability in an organization’s vision
• Assessing the current situation
• Strategic planning for sustainability
• Taking action
• Measurement and reporting
• Metric, indicators, and KPIs
• Common sustainability metrics
• Sustainability and innovation, communication and collaboration, governance and audits
• ITIL practices—support and sustainability
• Students must complete a series of in-course assignments as a formal requirement of the Sustainability in Digital and IT qualification. The completion of the assignments is a part of the official certification process. After passing the four (4) assignments based on a case study, students are permitted to schedule their formal examination with PeopleCert.
There are no pre-requisites for the Sustainability in Digital and IT module. The relevant key concepts from the ITIL 4 framework will be covered as part of the module, making it accessible to anyone interested in gaining critical skills in this area.
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This course prepares you for the ITIL® 4 Specialist: Sustainability in Digital and IT certification.
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Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: 10-03-2025 08:30
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Najbliższy termin: 02-04-2025 09:00
Najbliższy termin: 19-03-2025 09:00
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Najbliższy termin: 27-03-2025 09:00
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