This four-day instructor-led course provides students who manage and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to performance tune and optimize their databases.
Audience Profile
The primary audience for this course is individuals who administer and maintain SQL Server databases and are responsible for optimal performance of SQL Server instances that they manage. These individuals also write queries against data and need to ensure optimal execution performance of the workloads.
The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL Server databases.
At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the high level architectural overview of SQL Server and its various components.
Describe the SQL Server execution model, waits and queues.
Describe core I/O concepts, Storage Area Networks and performance testing.
Describe architectural concepts and best practices related to data files for user databases and TempDB.
Describe architectural concepts and best practices related to Concurrency, Transactions, Isolation Levels and Locking.
Describe architectural concepts of the Optimizer and how to identify and fix query plan issues.
Describe architectural concepts, troubleshooting scenarios and best practices related to Plan Cache.
Describe architectural concepts, troubleshooting strategy and usage scenarios for Extended Events.
Explain data collection strategy and techniques to analyze collected data.
Understand techniques to identify and diagnose bottlenecks to improve overall performance.
1. Module 1: SQL Server Architecture, Scheduling, and Waits
SQL Server Components and SQL OS
Windows Scheduling vs SQL Scheduling
Waits and Queues
2. Module 2: SQL Server I/O
Core Concepts
Storage Solutions
I/O Setup and
3. Module 3: Database Structures
Database Structure Internals
Data File Internals
TempDB Internals
4. Module 4: SQL Server Memory
Windows Memory
SQL Server Memory
In-Memory OLTP
5. Module 5: SQL Server Concurrency
Concurrency and Transactions
Locking Internals
6. Module 6: Statistics and Index Internals
Statistics Internals and Cardinality Estimation
Index Internals
Columnstore Indexes
7. Module 7: Query Execution and Query Plan Analysis
Query execution and optimizer internals
Query execution plans
Analyzing query execution plans
Adaptive query processing
8. Module 8: Plan Caching and Recompilation
Plan cache internals
Troubleshooting plan cache issues
Automatic tuning
Query store
9. Module 9: Extended Events
Extended events core concepts
Working with extended events
10. Module 10: Monitoring, Tracing, and Baselining
Monitoring and tracing
Baselining and benchmarking
Pokaż więcej
In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:
Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality.
Working knowledge of database administration and maintenance
Working knowledge of Transact-SQL.
W cenę szkolenia wliczono
W cenę szkolenia wliczony jest:
Certyfikat Autoryzowanego Centrum Szkoleniowego Microsoft
Autorskie materiały szkoleniowe w formie elektronicznej
Gwarancja jakości szkolenia
Materiały szkoleniowe, notatnik, długopis
Kontakt z trenerem po szkoleniu
Kawa, herbata, słodki poczęstunek (w przypadku szkoleń stacjonarnych)
Obiad (w przypadku szkoleń stacjonarnych)
Firma jest Autoryzowanym Ośrodkiem Szkoleniowym MICROSOFT Silver Learning Możesz u nas podejść do egzaminu Pearson VUE Spółka posiada wpis do ewidencji placówek niepublicznych Nr ew. ES.VIII.4320-6/p.n./2003 wydany z upoważnienia Prezydenta Miasta Łodzi
Zachęcamy do skorzystania z możliwości dofinansowania szkoleń oferowanych przez naszą firmę. Dostępne rozwiązania:
Wsparcie z Funduszy Europejskich (BUR) nawet do 85% na usługi rozwojowe dla przedsiębiorstw oraz osób indywidualnych.
Szkolenia dofinansowane z Krajowego Funduszu Szkoleniowego do 100% wartości szkolenia na kształcenia pracowników i pracodawców.
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