This is an in-depth course that explores installation, configuration and maintenance of Linux systems. The course focuses on issues universal to every workstation and server. The course material is designed to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include installation and configuration; the boot process; user and group administration; filesystem administration, including quotas, FACLs, RAID and LVM; task automation; client networking; SELinux; software management; log files; troubleshooting; and more.
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
• SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
Students should already be comfortable working in a Linux or Unix environment. Fundamentals such as the Linux filesystem, process management, and how to edit files will not be covered in class. An understanding of network concepts, and the TCP/IP protocol suite is helpful. These skills are taught in the U8583S Linux Fundamentals (GL120) course.
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Spółka posiada wpis do ewidencji placówek niepublicznych Nr ew. ES.VIII.4320-6/p.n./2003 wydany z upoważnienia Prezydenta Miasta Łodzi
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Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: Prosimy o kontakt
Najbliższy termin: 19-03-2025 09:00
Najbliższy termin: 29-05-2025 09:00
Najbliższy termin: 27-03-2025 09:00